So… What’s the vibe like?


If you’ve found yourself on this page, you may have already heard our little spiel about how we have “burner” vibes and our space is a museum of curiosities. What we mean by that is that we are the “come as you are, pack in/pack out, show up as your authentic self, please feel free to just exist,” type people. We want everyone to feel like they’re wrapped in a warm hug. That being said, the container we set is tight and secure for a reason. We want our visitors to feel as comfortable as they can within a sex positive space. This is out of the '“norm” for so many of us, you are not alone! We want to make you feel like you can bring your best friends back to this space and feel the same level of comfort over and over and over again. We think it’s important to be extra vigilant when it comes to consent. Not only making the vibe a huge part of what we do, we encourage you to take these vibes home and feel even deeper into your body, especially in the days after coming to temple! 

Something wild and worth noting about how much different we are approaching sex as a whole: We ask the uncomfortable questions. We even lean into the discomfort. Not everyone in the “real world” has been given permission to talk about what they want and need when it comes to sex or sexual acts prior to engaging in those acts. How absurd is it to think about how many times we have all gone unfulfilled, do you think you could have communicated around the uncomfortable topics if someone were able to teach you the awareness and permission to do these things? Permission is something we’re giving out in spades. Even your no is permission for us to uphold a boundary and THAT is where our magic begins. Within the vanilla world we can all probably remember so many awkward moments which could have been avoided had I just spoken about them prior to engaging in the deep conversations that we hold within the walls of our temple.

We don’t know what we don’t know and that’s why we believe it’s so important to hold a space where we can safely explore these topics! Once you know what you want you then you’re able to communicate around that and see where you partner(s) may be able to provide what you’re looking for. You can take what you learn in our space and apply it to your “real life,” in fact, that’s wildly encouraged! Homework is mandatory. Praise is more than happy to be given. You’re all doing so well already.