“We work with the power of sexual expression, movement, breath, intentionality and art to facilitate healing of touch starved souls.”

— Samsara Founders

Our core principles exist within

…first and foremost integrity and accountability. The permission to respect Oneself. Recognizing the divine dignity of every Person. The ability to be opaque with our needs, wants, and desires. We strive to continually grow our consciousness, intentionality, and curiosity. We are firm holders of boundaries. Informed Enthusiastic Consent is QUEEN and we respect her.

We believe in body acceptance.

We believe in living a life free from sexual shame and guilt.

We believe in informed enthusiastic consent.

We believe in infinite love.

We believe in living our lives to the fullest.

We believe all people can express themselves sexually. 

More about what we love.


We’re here to remind people that the peace you seek can come from no place other than within. We seek to cultivate a balanced mind, body and soul. We make this happen through providing ongoing seminars, classes, rituals and workshops to help people to remember the whole perfect being they are.


Wizards and Witches

We are a group of light workers, shamans, witches, wizards, artists, parents, lovers, and healers on a mutual path of sharing and imparting our knowledge of sacred sexuality, art and peace. We strive to build relationships based on the ideas of radical inclusivity, body acceptance, enthusiastic consent, and eagerness to respect your no. The mediums in which we work include:

  • Yoga 

  • Breath Work

  • Art 

  • Intentional Orgasms

  • Meditation

Instant Cult Classic

We are not a cult, we really do enjoy pleasure and teaching others how to take those gifts home.

Please do not only hangout with people that go here. 

Please do not isolate yourself from your family and loved ones. 

Please do not follow Samsara’s facilitators to the end of the earth. 

Bring your own kool-aid, we will not be providing it for you.

A letter to you…

We are so happy you’re here. Welcome. Welcome to our little slice of counter culture. This is punk rock meets hip-hop New York in the 80s. The society we’ve been incarnated into is a challenging one. It’s one that’s based on outdated Puritan principles. Even though sex marketed and commodified, for the love of God don’t talk about it in polite company. Look, look, but don’t touch. Samsara is challenging that paradigm. We need to be about sex in a consent driven, guilt and shame free way. We need to be talking about sex not based on our inherent unconscious dynamics, but based on what you actually want. We need to be learning and teaching how to use your voice to start getting more of what you want. We need to be empowering people to stand up for what they need and want. We need to be embracing and respecting people’s no’s. We need to foster environments where people can find and use their strong voice. Ask and it is given, no?

Healing is an art form, and a belief in the modalities being used to heal. We are here to break norms which keep us from sharing. There’s power in your intentions, in your words, in your actions. Pairing all of these with orgasm triggers unbelievable results. We believe the things we teach are the things we need to learn. The more we give it away, the more it multiplies. This is how we change the world.

We are a liberating force of love which allow the everyday people to  empower and validate themselves. We are paradigm shifting, wall busting, light workers and we want to give you access to your gifts. 

We see this work as a means of freedom of the mind, body and soul. We’re here to share tools and knowledge which foster healing and empower you to do the work. This can be tough, especially when there are so many interesting distractions abound. Regardless, we’re ready. We believe in you!

We are here to remind you of the you within you, your divine being, devoid of the labels you’ve become accustomed to accepting as absolute fact. When you look closely at that inner self, we begin to see ourselves as God in drag. We are only separated by the physical bodies in which we inhabit within our limited, three dimensional, container of time and space. It is simply, namaste. We see and honor the divinity in every one of us. We are all reflections of each other. Mirrors baby. Shine bright.

We are here to remind you that you’re not just made of stars, YOU ARE THE STARS. You were birthed from the infinite void, through a single cosmic orgasm known as the big bang. The number of orgasms it took to reach you is almost as countless as the number of stars in the sky. Everything which has ever existed in one way or another was birthed from an orgasm.

This sexual energy is one of deep healing, realization and recognition of the divine which lives within each and everyone of us. Samsara exists as a tool to help you remember just who you are. Are you ready? Because it’s finally time to wake up to the power within. 

